HIV Management Guide for Clinical Care

HIV Management Guide for Clinical Care

Nurses & Midwives

Management > Nurses & Midwives > Principles


The principles underpinning nursing in this specialty sector have been translated into practice standards by the Australasian Sexual Health and HIV Nurses Association (ASHHNA). (9) These standards were developed and updated, by referencing current national and international sexual health and HIV nursing competency and practice standards. The standards account for differences in practice for both the registered nurse and advanced practice registered nurse and seek to clarify key areas under seven domains. (9) The domains incorporate the Nursing and Midwifery Board’s registered nurse standard for practice and were designed to be utilised alongside these standards ‘to provide a platform for practice development and advancement in sexual and reproductive health and HIV nursing’ for both existing and new members to the sector. (9) While these standards differ from the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia (NMBA) nurse practitioner standards for practice, the underlying principles can be applied to nurse practitioner practice across the sector. The domains in the ASHHNA Competency Standards are: 

Standard 1: Thinks Critically and Analyses Nursing Practice  

Standard 2: Engages in Therapeutic and Professional Relationships  

Standard 3: Maintains the Capability for Practice  

Standard 4: Comprehensively Conducts Assessments  

Standard 5: Develops a Plan for Nursing Practice  

Standard 6: Provides Safe, Appropriate and Responsive Quality Nursing Practice  

Standard 7: Evaluates Outcomes to Inform Nursing Practice (9) 

The values that guided the development of the practice standards were born out of the turbulent medical, social, and political history of HIV and the complexities that faced those affected. (2) A hybrid model of care was identified by combining a social and medical model approach, one that acknowledges the social determinants of health while also addressing disease specific requirements. This model is grounded in the principles of primary health care and champions social justice by seeking to provide advocacy, health promotion and accessible, equitable and holistic health care for all.

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