HIV Management Guide for Clinical Care and ARV Guidelines

HIV Management Guide for Clinical Care and ARV Guidelines

Partner notification and contact tracing

Partner notification and contact tracing

Jane Tomnay: Centre for Excellence in Rural Sexual Health, The University of Melbourne  Summary  Partner Notification is important to:   alert partners of their risk of contracting HIV and encourage them to seek testing.  provide an opportunity for prophylaxis, testing and treatment if required   prevent unwanted long-term sequelae.  prevent inadvertent onward transmission.  Partner Notification can be undertaken …

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What is partner notification?

Partner notification refers to the process of informing the sexual partners of a person living with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) (or other sexually transmissible infections (STIs)) that they are at risk of acquiring HIV or an STI, and they should seek testing and, if infected, treatment. Partners sharing injecting equipment may also be at risk of …

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Why is partner notification important?

Healthcare providers who diagnose a person with HIV should ensure that they discuss the need for partner notification with that person.  If a person is diagnosed with HIV, then they have acquired their infection from another person, and possibly transmitted it to subsequent partners.  Consideration of transmission risk in people who have HIV infection should …

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Methods of partner notification

Patient referral:  the index patient informs the partner/s of their risk and encourages them to undertake HIV testing and/or HIV prophylaxis, if appropriate.  Provider referral: a healthcare provider informs the partner/s of their risk of HIV whilst maintaining the confidentiality of the index person and encourages the partner/s to undertake HIV testing.  Conditional referral:  a …

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Conditional referral

This strategy is used when the index person agrees to contact their partners in the first instance but that they may also need to pass the task onto the healthcare provider after an agreed period if they have been unsuccessful. 

Partner Notification Officers and Contact Tracers: who are they and what qualifications do they have?

Healthcare providers who undertake partner notification on a regular basis are often sexual health professionals who work in this specialty area. In Australia most of these are registered nurses who have the capacity to offer testing in the community when undertaking partner notification, which can be extremely beneficial particularly for those partners who may have …

Partner Notification Officers and Contact Tracers: who are they and what qualifications do they have? Read More »


Partner notification is an important part of the public health management of HIV and nurses, and Aboriginal health workers often play a key role.  Partner notification should be raised with all people who are newly diagnosed with HIV.  The aim is to reduce transmission and to prevent unwanted sequelae in those who are found to …

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