HIV Management Guidelines

HIV Management Guidelines


Management > Co-Morbidities > Bone disease in patients with HIV infection

Bone disease in patients with HIV infection

David Sowden1. Thomas Hadwen2

  1. Department of Infectious Diseases, Sunshine Coast University Hospital, Queensland.
  2. Department of Endocrinology, Sunshine Coast University Hospital, Queensland.

 Last reviewed: November 2019


 Age-relates co-morbidities, such as osteoporosis, become more important as the HIV population ages. Added to aging, associated co-morbidities, anti-retroviral therapy and the effect of HIV itself contribute to bone diseases in HIV.  This review will examine bone disease in HIV populations including osteoporosis, osteonecrosis, osteomalacia followed by a discussion of bone disease in those receiving PrEP and bone disease in children.

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