HIV Management Guidelines

HIV Management Guidelines

Nurses & Midwives

Management > Nurses & Midwives > Men who have sex with men

Men who have sex with men

In Australia, sexual contact between men continues to be the most common mode of HIV transmission. In 2021, 68% of the total new HIV infections were among men who have sex with men (MSM) and 90% of all diagnoses were in men (36,37).  

It is essential for the MSM population to access care and prevention and to remain engaged in care to reduce the community viral load and reduce the number of new infections and HIV-related comorbidities. (See Adherence support) 

The 2012 Global Men’s Health and Rights Study found that men who have sex with men encounter barriers to access to treatment and prevention at different levels (38). At an institutional or systemic level, MSM often encounter stigma, criminalisation of homosexuality, and discrimination. In many cases, they do not disclose their sexual behaviour to healthcare providers, which leads them to delay HIV testing and accessing treatment.  The follow-up recent Global Men’s Health and Rights Study (2023) concluded that barriers to health services utilisation must be addressed at structural and community levels. The authors point out that interventions need to focus on reducing sexual stigma, training, and sensitising healthcare staff, and strengthening community interventions that bring gay and bisexual men together to develop comprehensive health services (39). 

Nurses can facilitate access to care at health services that are welcoming to men who have sex with men (MSM-friendly and non-judgmental) and include safe spaces to meet other MSM. See Becoming more gay-friendly in your practice    

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