HIV Management Guidelines

HIV Management Guidelines

Biomedical prevention

Management > Biomedical prevention > Oral PrEP in MSM

Oral PrEP in MSM

The microbicide field has been overtaken by oral PrEP comprising of ARVs (i.e. tenofovir and emtricitabine [Truvada]) normally used for HIV treatment (see Biomedical Prevention Section). Several clinical trials (iPrEX, Partners PrEP, TDF2, PROUD) have demonstrated the efficacy of oral daily PrEP in MSM and high-risk heterosexual men and women including serodiscordant couples (13-15). The ANRS IPERGAY study, that evaluated event driven oral PrEP with Truvada, also demonstrated efficacy in preventing HIV in MSM (16).  Effectiveness of oral PrEP in a real world setting, as observed in an open-label trial in MSM, was greater than efficacy observed in clinical trials (17). When taken every day, oral PrEP has the potential to reduce HIV transmission by more than 99 percent (18). Daily use of Truvada for HIV PrEP was  recommended for HIV negative individuals who are at high risk of acquiring HIV by the WHO in 2015 and is recommended in the United States, Europe and Australia (19).

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