HIV Management Guidelines

HIV Management Guidelines

Nurses & Midwives

Management > Nurses & Midwives > References


  1. Australasian Society for HIV Medicine. Australasian Contact Tracing Guidelines (updated) October 2022.  
  2. Cowan FM, French R, Johnson AM. The role and effectiveness of partner notification in STD control: a review. Genitourinary Medicine 1996; 72: 247-252.  
  3. Tomnay JE. Partner Notification and Confidentiality. In: Russell D, Bradford DL, Fairley CK, editors. Sexual Health Medicine, 2005. 
  4. Tomnay J, Hulme-Chambers A, Bilardi J, Fairley C, Huffam S, Chen M. A Qualitative Study of Means to Improve Partner Notification After an HIV Diagnosis Among Men Who Have Sex with Men in Australia. AIDS Patient Care & STDS. June 2017;31(6):269 – 274.  
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