Adult Antiretroviral Guidelines

US DHHS Guidelines with Australian Commentary

What’s New in the Guidelines?

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Adult Guidelines > What’s New in the Guidelines?
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What’s New in the Adult ARV Guidelines

DHHS Last Updated: February 2024Australian Commentary Last Updated: June 2024

When do updates occur? 

Major new guideline updates from US DHHS usually occur after the annual Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI), while smaller updates can occur throughout the year if important new evidence is presented.

July 2023: 

In 2023, the Sub-Committee for Guidance on HIV Management in Australia spent considerable time reviewing the latest DHHS guidelines and has provided useful updated commentary on these guidelines for prescribers in Australia and New Zealand.  

A full copy of the DHHS Antiretroviral Guidelines for Adults and Adolescents is now provided on this website to allow readers to explore all contemporary issues relating to HIV ART prescribing in one location. 

Along with the usual updates on drug regimen selection, the Sub-Committee has provided enhanced commentary in special patient population sections and extended guidance on long-acting injectable ART, reflecting clinicians’ requests for advice on this novel therapeutic modality. Guidance on prescribing ART after PrEP failure, including long-acting ART, is also updated in this guidance. 

June 2024: 

In 2024, the guideline sections: Early (Acute and Recent) HIV Infection and HIV-2 Infection have been updated following DHHS publications in late 2023. 

Following the publication of the REPRIEVE trial in August 2023, the DHHS published an updated recommendation regarding statin therapy in PLHIV. The Sub-Committee for Guidance on HIV Management in Australia has provided Australian Commentary to these guidelines: Recommendations for the Use of Statin Therapy as Primary Prevention of Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease in People with HIV.

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