Depending on the cause, management varies, particularly if an infective cause such as scabies is found. Eosinophilic folliculitis and pruritic papular eruption can be difficult to manage with the pruritus often unresponsive to traditional therapies. Case reports of both EF and PPE remission following commencement of ART have been reported. (139, 140) Treatment options for eosinophilic folliculitis and pruritic papular eruption are similar and aim to reduce skin inflammation, including with emollients, potent topical corticosteroids, oral antihistamines, oral antibiotics, antifungals, antiscabies and phototherapy treatments all trialled.
World Health Organisation guidelines emphasise that in children, adolescents, pregnant women and adults with HIV infection who develop PPE or EF, ART should be considered as the primary treatment. If PPE or EF appears after the introduction of ART, it should not be discontinued. If there is no response or a failure in response to the treatments described above, other causes of papular eruptions of HIV must be considered. (142)