Stevens-Johnson syndrome has an attributable mortality of 5% and TEN an overall mortality of 30%. (153) If SJS/TEN is considered, patients should be transferred to a tertiary centre, and ideally one with an HDU/ICU or Burns Unit. Discontinuation of the offending drug is essential. Drugs initiated in the last 1 to 3 weeks before illness should be considered as potential causes including all drugs the patient is receiving, including over-the-counter and non-prescription as well as herbal and traditional medicines.
Supportive measures include wound care, maintenance of fluid, electrolyte and temperature homeostasis, and multidisciplinary specialist input (e.g ophthalmology, urology, pain team etc). Some units use high doses of intravenous immunoglobulins or etanercept as therapy for TEN, including in PLWHIV; however, more evidence of its effectiveness is needed. (154, 155)The use of systemic corticosteroids is controversial and prophylactic antibiotics are not recommended. (156)